Conference Call Etiquette
Virtual Learning Resources
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is planning to return students to in-person classes for the 2nd Semester starting in January.
Parents should have completed a preference form to state whether their child will continue learning remotely vs in-person.
COVID-19 Resources
Wear a Mask in Public | Stay 6 Feet Apart | Wash Your Hands
If you are feeling ill, please stay indoors and take care of yourself. ​Hydrate, rest, monitor symptoms, pray.
Get your flu shot. Most Walgreens and CVS Pharmacy clinics offer flu shots that are mainly free with most insurance providers.
If you have COVID symptoms, consider utilizing drive-thru testing (check to see if an appointment is needed) and take note of places/individuals you've been in contact with, as well as symptoms.
If you test positive, notify people you've been in contact with so they can get tested, quarantine, and monitor symptoms.